Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Turns out Russia may have been backing Hillary in 2016

First a warning. This story isn't based on first hand knowledge but Democrats have told us vis a vis the Ukraine "whistleblower" that that's fine.

Additionally the source, unlike those used by the #FakeNews media to peddle their later disproven stories about Russian collusion, is named; it's Fred Fleitz who is a former Chief of Staff of the National Security Council.

What he's claiming is that he heard from staff members of the House Intelligence committee is that then CIA director John Brennen suppressed Intelligence Community(IC) information that showed that Putin was rooting for Hillary not Trump.

Further Brennan kept much weaker intelligence indicating that Putin favored Trump in the report.

Hence the "bombshell" report that has been used by Democrats to base their now discredited charges on would have actually said that Putin was putting his finger on the scale for Hillary, not Trump, if Trump hating John Brennan hadn't deliberately doctored the report.

Before dismissing this remember that all the arguments Democrats make for Trump "favoring" Putin are about complementary words that Trump has sent Putin's way.  Trump does that in order to build a relationship with Putin.

But if we look at Trump's actions toward's Putin it's clear that Trump puts America first:
  • Got Germany to cancel a massive natural gas deal with Russia which cost Putin billions.
  • Got NATO to significantly increase defense spending.
  • Increased sanctions on Iran to get them to stop nuclear weapon development.
  • Bombed the Russian client's air base in Syria in response to the Syrian government using chemical weapons against civilians.
  • Significantly increased US defense spending.
  • Provided lethal aid to Ukraine to help them fight off the Russian invasion.
  • Has told Russia to get their troops out of Venezuela.
  • Has increased sanctions on Russian entities.
On the other hand Obama, including when Hillary was Secretary of State, did what Putin wanted:
  • Obama supported Hillary's of "reset" our relationship with Russia even though Russia continued to hold pieces of the country of Georgia that they had taken by force.
  • Obama let Hillary decide that a Russian company could get control of 20% of US Uranium reserves.
  • Obama canceled a missile defense system for Europe which was designed to prevent Iran from being able to blackmail the EU because Putin didn't like it.
  • Obama was caught telling a senior Russian official to tell Putin that after the election he, Obama, would be able to be more accommodating of what Putin wanted.
  • Obama refused to sell lethal aid to the Ukraine to fight off the Russian invasion.
  • Obama set up a deal with Iran, a Russian client in the Middle East, so that Iran would be able to develop nuclear weapons once Obama was out of office.
Clearly based on her track record Hillary was someone who Putin could work with. Hence his supporting her makes a lot more sense than his supporting Trump who the media at the time portrayed as eager to start new wars; including with Russia.

We have strong reason to believe that Brennan orchestrated the briefing of the Steele dossier to Trump which led to the report being considered by the media to be accurate even though the FBI admitted it couldn't in fact verify it.

This is more proof that there was an attempted coup by leftists in the government which used the full power of the IC, FBI, and DOJ to nullify the 2016 election.

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