Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Democrat Newsom sends China $1B to China won't disclose details

It's an interesting fact that while Democrats are always the ones demanding government transparency they're also the ones who hide the most from we the people.

Case in point last month Newsom boasted of spending nearly $1B to buy hundreds of millions of masks for California.  It turns out the contract was with a Chinese auto manufacturer.

Now that in of itself isn't malign.  But now Newsom is refusing the LA Times, a staunchly leftists paper, access to information about the contract.

One of Newsom's flunkies, Ryan Gronsky an attorney with Newsom's Office of Emergency Services, said:

“Publishing the agreement now – before performance under the contract is complete – would introduce substantial and unnecessary risk to the State’s ability to secure necessary supplies,”

Take a moment to imagine how Newsom and the #FakeNews media would react if someone in DoD said the same thing about a defense department procurement from China.

How could revealing the contract the governor entered into for the people of California put the Chinese companies ability to deliver at risk?  It couldn't unless of course there was corruption which would lead to the contract being canceled.

Did Newsom bribe executives at the Chinese company to send him the masks?

Did China bribe Newsom as they bribed Joe Biden by giving Hunter Biden $1.5 billion of the Chinese government's money to invest?

More importantly what are the quality assurance requirements in the contract?  There have been numerous examples of defective PPE and tests coming out of China.  Californians have a right to know that their money isn't being wasted on defective products.

Also why did Newsom go to China. Clearly an automaker in China has no more expertise in making masks than many American companies. Why didn't Newsom create $1B worth of "essential" jobs in America by sourcing the masks in the US?

Clearly there are many good reasons that the people of California should know just what deal Newsom has gotten them into which is why Newsom concealing the facts from them is a very revealing action.

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