Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Democrat Governor Newsom of California thinks that California is a country

Referring to a $1B deal with China to buy masks, a deal that Newsom is refusing to let the people of CA see the details of, Newsom said:

“As a nation-state, with the capacity to write a check for hundreds of millions, no billions, of dollars, we’re in a position to do something bold and big,”

That's a delusion of amazing proportion.

California isn't a nation state:
  • It doesn't print money
  • It doesn't pay for its defense
  • It doesn't pay for the CDC
  • A huge fraction of the land in CA is owned by the Federal government
  • It doesn't pay for it's Coast Guard
  • It doesn't pay for embassies overseas
  • It doesn't have the right to have a foreign policy, though it sometimes acts as though it does
If California were to break off most of the businesses that make the state great would leave because the US would no longer protect them overseas.

Yet Newsom loves to pretend he's running a country not a massively insolvent state; California was between $200 and $800 billion in debt on its pension funds before the market drop due to China having lied.

That's Democrat hubris for you.

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