Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Was Obama's Treasury Department spying on his political enemies?

When the list of people who had unmasked, that is spied on, General Flynn came out it included no less than 6 political appointees in the Treasury Department, including Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew.

Given that the alleged reason that Obama and his subordinates were spying on Flynn was that Flynn was talking to the Russians when he shouldn't have been it's unclear why Treasury would be interested.

But more importantly when the Intelligence Community accidentally collects information about US citizens without a warrant, as was the case with Flynn, they are supposed to be extremely protective of that information since it was obtained in violation of the 4th Amendment rights of the citizens involved.

Hence there is no way that 6 different political appointees in Treasury should have been given access to Flynn's identity, especially on one day--Dec 14, 2016.

But if a story in the Ohio Star is correct the reason that so many Treasury political appointees were spying on Flynn is that they'd been spying on him for a long time.  They are also alleged to have been spying on other people including members of Congress.

A whistleblower who was a senior Treasury Department official and who had served in the Intelligence Community(IC) says that Obama's Treasury regularly spied on Flynns financial records and transactions starting in December 2015 and continuing well into 2017.

Given that there was no investigation, much less a warrant to do so, this would appear to be the sort of thing fascist states do not something that is legal in America.

Among the other people Treasury was spying on was Paul Manafort. While the other people can't be named because they're not in the official paperwork filed by the whistleblower they include members of Congress, senior members of Trump's campaign, and members of Trump's family.

The whistleblower filed their complaint in March 2017 and unlike the treatment that the lying "whistleblower" who had no first hand knowledge of Trump's alleged improprieties with Ukraine got this whistleblower's complaint was basically ignored by Acting Treasury Inspector General Richard K. Delmar.

The illegal spying operation was run out of the Treasury's Office of Intelligence Analysis which was run by S. Leslie Ireland who had spent a year being Obama's personal intelligence briefer.

If this story proves to be true it's clear indication of massive lawlessness on the part of senior officials in the Obama administration that makes Watergate look like nothing.

Remember the initial crime in Watergate was a failed attempt to obtain confidential Democrat Presidential campaign documents, without Nixon's knowledge or approval, and Nixon was forced to resign because it became clear he was covering for the people who conducted the break in.

But clearly weaponizing the IC which is a super powerful organization designed to deal with terrorists and imperialist threats to spy on Obama's political opponents on an on-going basis is a far more serious crime.

One last thing; we know for a fact that Obama's IRS was weaponized against his political opponents. They've admitted that they treated conservative political groups looking for tax exempt status much differently than they did leftist organizations.  Obama's IRS deliberately took much longer to approve conservative groups thereby keeping them from participating in an election.

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