Monday, May 4, 2020

Vettings aren't perfect: Joe Biden and Tara Reade edition

One of the arguments that Democrats, most recently Axelrod, are using to defend Joe Biden against the accusations of Tara Reade is that Tara Reade's allegations never came up when Joe Biden was vetted.

The problem is that Christine Blasey Ford's name never came up in any of the multiple times that the FBI vetted Justice Kavanaugh and at the time Democrats didn't consider that to be a problem.

Further given that Tara Reade only recently went public the only way that her charges could have been known is if someone on Biden's staff, all of whom claim they never heard of the accusations, had mentioned them.

Given the the government has paid out millions to settle sexual harassment suits against members of Congress and then concealed the identities of the politicians and given the fact that Democrats defended Bill Clinton it's hardly unlikely that loyal Biden staffers would conceal their bosses transgressions.

Remember if Biden falls so do the people who are in his crew.

One more thing. Joe Biden is refusing to even search a large chunk of his records for Tara Reade's name.  Given that Tara Reade's public claim of being sexually harassed by Biden, only the assault allegation is new, wouldn't have the people who allegedly vetted Biden have searched those records?

If they had they could tell us that her name didn't come up in them. But they're not saying that. Which means the "vetting" of Biden was done without looking at a huge chunk of his records.

That in turn seems to indicate that the "vetting" was more of a pro forma thing since Biden is the only Democrat that has any chance of beating Trump in November.

What's really interesting though is that 7 other women have accused Biden of sexual harassment, inappropriate touching and/or comments.  Did their charges show up during the vetting of Biden?

If so that means the Democrats think that 7 women who have credibly accused Biden of grossly inappropriate behavior aren't a problem vis a vis Biden becoming President. So much for the #MeToo movement.

The same Democrats who are attacking Reade and ignoring the other 7 women have been attacking Trump non-stop for his consensual relationships.

Those Democrats keep telling Christians that they can't possibly support Trump because of his personal, but consensual, sexual sins but they think it's fine to vote for Biden who actually sexually harassed women.

Based on Democrat's defending Bill Clinton and now Biden it's glaringly obvious that all Democrats care about is power. They don't care what their politicians do so long as they win at the ballot box and then use their power to force we the people to live the way Democrats want us to live.

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