Friday, May 22, 2020

California university treats unborn babies worse than dogs and then experiments on them

The University of California San Francisco(UCSF) has as one of its missions to "maintain and increase the number of abortions". That's what the director of USCF's Woman's Option Center, Dr. Eleanor Drey, has proclaimed.

No more legal, safe, and rare. The modern left says that butchering babies is a good thing.

No wonder.  UCSF's Division of Experimental Medicine uses aborted baby parts in its "research". It only uses babies who weren't aborted due to a threat to the life of the mother to ensure that the "material" they get is top quality.  This sounds a lot like what Dr. Mengele used to do with Jews.

For a long time UCSF received two aborted babies per month from Advanced Bioscience Resources, which partners with Planned Parenthood. Many of those babies were more than 21 weeks old and hence they could have survived if they were delivered rather than ripped apart.

Even worse USCF classes that teach abortion don't teach that the unborn baby should be killed with a shot of digoxin before they're hacked to pieces.

That's torture since everyone who's honest agrees that babies feel pain by 20 weeks.  The few who don't make the bizarre argument that while the baby reacts to painful stimuli by retreating the baby doesn't feel pain. An argument that's of the same ilk as the unborn baby being a "clump of cells" or not a person.

This is modern abortion. Killing babies for convenience and then selling their body parts for cold hard cash.

Oh one last thing. Only 0.3% of abortions are because of a threat to the mother's life, 0.14% due to rape, 0.01% due to incest and 1.4% for non-life threatening medical issues.

That means that 98%+ of abortions are because men and women had consensual sex but refuse to accept the responsibility for the consequences.

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