Wednesday, May 6, 2020

General Flynn: A victim of the fascist Deep State Democrat conspiracy

General Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI after they had nearly bankrupted him and they threatened to prosecute his son on a bogus charge thereby bankrupting him too.

It now turns out that the FBI investigation into Flynn had actually ended with the FBI finding no evidence of a crime.

But the FBI kept the case open in order to try and trap Flynn in a lie.

The infamous "interview" where Flynn allegedly lied was itself a lie. The FBI implied that the meeting was just a routine coordination meeting not an interrogation.  That's why Flynn didn't have a lawyer and didn't even know that his poor memory would lead to problems.

We also know that the agents who interviewed him didn't think that he was deliberately lying, ie he just didn't remember certain facts, yet that information wasn't considered germane by the Deep State.

We now know from recently produced documents that the ambush interview of Flynn was intended to get him to lie and/or be fired.  It was not motivated by any actual evidence of any crime or by any connection between Flynn and an actual investigation.

It was nothing less than an indirect attack on Trump.

But things get worse for the Deep State.  We now know that the FBI deliberately hid exculpatory evidence from the courts. That's evidence that shows that Flynn wasn't in fact guilty.

Hiding such evidence is what communist regimes do not what we do in America.

What's truly amazing is some of this exculpatory evidence was only dug up in May 2020.  That's how deeply the Deep State in the FBI had buried evidence of Flynn's innocence.

It's clear that the FBI is more of a threat to America than a benefit.

It needs to be gutted with massive firings of anyone who was involved in this crime against justice.

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