Monday, May 11, 2020

Democrat voting fraud: California special election edition

The polls show that Republican Mike Garcia is going to beat Democrat Christy Smith in a race to replace the disgraced Democrat Katie Hill.

So what do the Democrats who run California do?  They put up a new voting center in the part of the district that is staunchly Democrat.

Can you imagine how Democrats and the #FakeNews media would react if the governor of Texas looking at a possible Republican loss put up a new voting center in the most Republican part of a district?

What makes it more interesting is that Governor Newsom has gone on record as saying that in person voting is dangerous so that he's having a mail in ballot for the November election sent to every Californian.

Yet this new voting center is an in person one.  Either Newsom wants to kill Democrat voters, unlikely but not impossible :) , or he is admitting he doesn't think that in person voting is risky in this coronavirus time.  Keep in mind the special election is happening tomorrow when Newsom is saying we can't even open stores due to the China virus.

This is a pretty clear, albeit unintentional, admission by Democrats that their demand for universal mail in voting is based on their desire to cheat not any interest in the health of Americans.

The simple reality is that we know historically that Democrats have misused mail in votes. During the infamous 2000 election in Florida for example they did everything they could to keep mail in votes from soldiers overseas, who they knew were mostly voting for Bush, from being counted.

In the last few years 28 million mail in ballots have been "lost" or not counted.  Clearly there's more options for fraud.  Also the authenticity of mail in ballots is never really checked. It would be easy for postal employee's, who are notoriously Democrat, to skim off ballots intended for people who aren't expecting them and then mail them in themselves.

Ballots could be stolen from mailboxes too. And then it's also possible that some of the illegal aliens that the Democrats send door to door to harvest ballots would simply lie to people and say that if they're not voting they have to turn in their ballots for destruction and then turn around and vote for the person.

There's no reason that we can go to stores to buy food but we can't go to a polling place and vote.  Absentee ballots are already used by the elderly so there's no reason to force them onto everyone.

Polling places are rarely crowded and it's easy to control entry and enforce social distancing.

It's time to fight the Democrat's big lie that there is no voter fraud given that a study indicated that nearly a million illegal aliens may have voted in 2016.  While that number seems high that would represent only around 5% of illegal aliens in the country.  Given that every illegal alien has demonstrated that they're willing to break our immigration laws for more money why would we ever think that not even 5% of them would be willing to break our election laws to vote in Democrat candidates who promise them more money?

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