Sunday, May 10, 2020

Former Democrat Senator Max Baucus defends China

Obama appointed Baucus to be the US Ambassador to China.

Now Baucus is attacking Trump for his "over the top rhetoric" about China.

Which means Baucus is attacking Trump for pointing out how the vile regime running China is responsible for the current pandemic.

China lied and people died isn't just some hashtag it's a true statement.

For weeks China deliberately concealed the fact that the China virus was spreading between people.  During that time China allowed millions of exposed people to travel.

While China did eventually shut down flights out of Wuhan that went to other locations in China Xi Jinping allowed international flights out of Wuhan to continue.

One study has shown that if the Chinese government had taken steps to properly deal with COVID19 three weeks sooner, rather than arresting and demanding "confessions" from the doctors who were warning of the threat, there would have been 95% fewer cases in China. That in turn would have probably dramatically reduced the probability that the China virus would have infected the entire world.

Yet Baucus is attacking Trump for pointing out the truth.

Of course Baucus is just following in Joe Biden's footsteps. After all Joe, whose son was given $1.5 billion dollars to invest by the Chinese Communist government, attacked Trump's travel restrictions on China as "xenophobic".

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