Monday, May 18, 2020

133 reasons, and counting, to not trust the #FakeNews media

Sharyl Attkisson does us all a service by keeping a list of what she calls Media Mistakes in reporting about Trump.

They date back to Aug 2016 and there are currently 133 of them.

That's actually a conservative number since many point to cases where multiple outlets made "mistakes".

Of course most of these mistakes were either the result of reporters not bothering to check the "facts" if those "facts" looked bad for Trump and the rest were due to deliberate lying.

Two recent examples of that are #131 and #132.

131 talks about how multiple New York Times reporters lied about what Trump said about hydroxycholorquine.  They said "Trump has seized on [hydroxychloroquine] as a miracle cure." when in fact he'd said this:

It may work, and it may not work. But if it doesn’t work, it’s nothing lost by doing it," said Trump at an April 5 media availability. He also stated, "in case it does work, we want to have it," and "Now, it may not work, in which case, Hey, it didn’t work. It may work, in which case it’s going to save a lot of lives. Now, a lot of people has a profound effect. Well, maybe it does and maybe it doesn’t."

132 covers how NBC's Meet the Press deceptively edited a video of AG Barr.  Barr was asked about what history would say about dropping charges against General Flynn after evidence that showed that Flynn was innocent that had been deliberately hidden by the DOJ and the FBI was discovered.

First Barr joked about what history says depends on who writes the history but then he addressed rule of law issues related to the fact that not only was there no legal basis for Flynn to have been interviewed and that the entire prosecution violated the rule of law.

But NBC edited out the second part and Chuck Todd viscously attacked Barr for not talking about the rule of law issue.

Both of these cases aren't media mistakes. They're deliberate lies that the #FakeNews media is telling in order to get rid of the "bad orange man".

1 comment:

WhoHasMyChange? said...

I can easly come up with over 1200 reasons not to trust the #FakeNews media - 1 for every day of their reporting since he was inaugurated. I could probably push that closer to 1300 reasons not to trust them - 1 for every day since he beat their annointed one.