Saturday, May 30, 2020

Pew Research groups tries to fool us: COVID19 edition.

Here's a plot from Pew Research about the average number of deaths by congressional districts from the China virus:

Now let's play guess the headline.  Most sane people would say something like "Republican Districts have about 1/4th of the China Virus deaths that Democrat Districts do".

Now that could be due to things beyond the Democrats control such as densely populated urban districts are more likely to be Democrat.

But the head line Pew used was "Since mid-April, COVID-19 deaths have declined in Democrat districts but have been relatively stable in Republican districts."

For years Pew has used distorted statistics to say that Americans are becoming less religious.  They created a new group, called "nones", which they say account for nearly 20% of Americans. The only problem is that only 3% of Americans, once again according to Pew, are atheists and a few percent more are agnostics.  A large fraction of the "nones" aren't people who don't believe in God but who aren't affiliated with a specific Christian church.

Here's a chart which shows the real contrast between Republican and Democrat control of a state on the impact of coronavirus:

The take away of all of this is that Pew Research Forum isn't to be trusted.


TreeDoctor said...

You apparently do not know how to read a graph. The reason the "Democrat" curve is higher than the Republican curve has almost nothing to do with "politics". It has to do with WHEN the virus struck New York state, and the communities that it was most active in.

If you look at the height of the curve, you are missing the story, which is the slope after the virus reached a maximum. The Democratic curve declined at a much faster rate, because of the socially responsible policies put in place regarding shut-downs and mask wearing. The Republican curve does NOT decline significantly, because the measures put in place allowed the virus to spread.

If you would see the data from the subsequent months, it would look MUCH WORSE for the Republican districts. As you probably know, Texas and Florida have BOTH surpassed New York in number of cases. It is lucky for people in Florida & Texas that hospitals have become more adept at keeping Covid patients alive. Otherwise Republican governors would have EVEN MORE deaths on their hands.

trinko said...

Apparently you don't know how to read a table. :)

What matters isn't the curve but the area underneath it, how many people died.

Democrat run states have far higher deaths per 100,000 population than do Republican run states.

And it's also interesting that people like you have switched from deaths to cases.

We want more non-lethal cases because that helps us develop herd immunity. What we don't want is deaths.

Republican states are avoiding deaths while Democrat states aren't.

It's really that simple