Monday, May 18, 2020

Mail in voting makes voter fraud easier

When a voter doesn't have to show up to vote it's much easier to steal their vote. Making mail in voting the norm means that ballots will be sent to all sorts of people who wouldn't otherwise vote making it easy for third parties to vote for them.

The way the scheme has been used is that someone snatch the ballot from the mailboxes of people they knew. They then showed up and offered to help the person fill in the ballot. While they listened to what the person said they filled in the ballot the way that they wanted to irrespective of what the person wanted.

If everyone gets a mail in ballot, as Governor Newsom has mandated in California, there are even better ways to cheat.  Folks who aren't really keeping track of politics won't know that they should be getting a ballot and even many folks who do won't realize until the election is over that their ballot never showed up.

Which means dishonest post office workers, who tend to be very strong Democrat supporters, could simply intercept hundreds or thousands of ballots and then mail them in.

While that probably wouldn't be enough to sway the presidential election it would be more than enough to ensure that Democrats won close House seats.

Another even bigger problem is that since many states and localities don't actually keep their voting records up to date ballots will be sent to potentially millions of dead voters or voters who have moved to a different state.  Those ballots with no valid recipients could be stolen, voted, and no one would know because the voting records show that those people do exist.

In California alone there are thousands of deceased residents along with many who say they live in commercial addresses.  In Pennsylvania one man had seven active voter registrations at the same address; if Democrats have their way he'd get 7 ballots.

Now when we start talking millions of potentially stolen votes we are talking about something that could effect Senatorial races and even the Presidency.

And convicting the criminals is very hard since the people who were stealing the votes were powerful in their communities and people were afraid to speak out about what happened.

Given the long history of Democrat voter fraud, I grew up in Chicago where we used to say that Mayor Daley--the first one-- was such a great mayor that people came back from the dead to vote for him, it would be insane to trust that they won't misuse mail in voting to steal elections.

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