Sunday, May 24, 2020

No Governor DeSantis isn't hiding China virus data and no the woman wasn't fired for refusing to hide data

The #FakeNews media will tell any lie to attack Republicans like DeSantis, Governor of Florida, just as they'll tell any lie to protect Democrats like Governor Cuomo of New York.

While they studiously ignore the fact that Cuomo forced nursing homes to take patients with the China, or European as Cuomo likes to call it, virus they're saying that DeSantis fired a female government worker because she wouldn't manipulate data.

What really happened was that the woman in question, whose name I'm not going to mention because she's gone into hiding, made mistake and when told to correct it said no.

Her job involved managing the dashboard where people can access the COVID19 data on the web.

She posted a file which had not been reviewed by the medical experts and Dr. Carina Blackmore, director for the Division of Disease Control and Health Protection she's also State Epidemiologist, told her to take the data down until it could be verified.

The woman said no and as would be expected she was reassigned.  When the boss tells you to do something reasonable you don't say no.

Website technicians don't tell MDs what data should be posted.

The data was verified and posted in less than two hours so it's not a case of the data being hidden.

Unfortunately to make matters worse the woman then sent a letter to the media which was factually incorrect.

The message said:

I don't know how much I'm allowed to say.

My removal wasn't voluntary. It was ordered by REDACTED. She has been trying to censor data for some time now, and after I personally refused to manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen, she personally saw to it that I was removed.

The dashboard has not been fully repaired since that time.

The message is completely untrue.  She was transferred because she posted unverified data and refused to take it down when told to by a Doctor who is responsible for the data. The verified data was then posted as it should have been.

It was the woman, not Dr. Blackmore, who posted potentially inaccurate data.

Now that could have been and probably was just an honest mistake but saying that her boss was trying to force her to fake the data was an inexcusable action.

Yet the same #FakeNews media which is showing no interest in the COVID19 disaster which is New York latched on to this story and ran with it even though there's no truth to it.

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