Thursday, May 28, 2020

Twitter loves the Chinese tyrants whose lies created the pandemic but they hate Trump

Contrary to the unfactchecked posts by senior Chinese government leadership we all know that the mass murdering Chinese government lied about the nature of the China virus which led to the current pandemic.

China new in December that the virus spread from person to person and yet the only steps that the fascist regime took was to intimidate and threaten the doctors who were telling the truth.

If China had acted just 3 weeks sooner the number of cases in China could have been as much as 95% lower.  If China had done that there probably wouldn't have been a pandemic.

Of course the fact that the Chinese government allowed international flights out of Wuhan after it had prohibited flights from Wuhan to Beijing is another reason why the Chinese government is responsible for the pandemic.

But when Chinese government officials post lies trying to blame the US Twitter does not fact them.

However when Trump posted that mail in ballots would lead to massive voter fraud Twitter "fact checked" that.  Who were the fact checkers?

Well we know they're lead by a rabidly antiTrump individual who hates everyone in fly over country.

Further they cite only biased sources like CNN.

Even after Republicans have tweeted all sorts of data about the massive problems with mail in ballots Twitter hasn't fixed their "fact check".

The simplest way to see that sending every registered voter a mail in ballot or an application for one, rather than letting people apply for mail in ballots which is already legal, is to note that there are millions of invalid voter registration around the country.  People move, people die, and the voter rolls aren't updated.

One person received 4 applications for mail in ballots for people that had lived at their current address. If that person had been dishonest they could have cast 5 ballots.

We know for sure that there at least 2.3 million invalid voters on registration roles because 378 counties across the US have more people registered to vote than there are people of voting age in that county.  Given that many people don't register to vote, to avoid being called for jury duty or because they just don't care, and given that clearly the problem isn't restricted to counties were the registration rate is  greater than 100% there are probably millions more of "voters" who don't actually exist.

But if Democrats have their way each and every one of those non-existent voters will be sent a ballot.  Dishonest postal workers, who are union members and who probably vote nearly straight Democrat, could harvest tons of ballots--one postal worker has already been charged with a similar scheme.

Dishonest voters who receive multiple ballots could vote multiple times.

That's what the Democrat's want since they know that their people are more dishonest than Republicans.  Most Democrat voters would never cheat like that but enough would that it could make a difference.

Look at the Democrat political machines in places like Chicago where the last fair election was probably more than 80 years ago.

But Twitter denies all this and attacks Trump while letting Chinese government officials lie about COVID19 without fact checking them.

It tells you whose side Twitter is on.

UPDATE: The day after Twitter attacked Trump with the bogus fact check they added fact checks to some actual lies by Chinese Communist leaders.  Clearly they did so only because they were caught not because they care.

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