Sunday, May 24, 2020

Obama spied on American Jews and members of Congress

If you for some reason think that it's unlikely that Obama's minions would misuse the Intelligence Community (IC) to spy on his political opponents let me take you back to 2015.

Obama is desperate to make a deal with Iran; a country who he likes much more than he likes Israel.

American Jews and members of Congress who support Israel, the only truly religiously tolerant and democratic country in the Middle East, were talking to people in Israel to get information about the situation.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the NSA monitored those conversations.  Even worse the Obama administration got access to that data.  Their cover was that they didn't say "Do it" but they didn't say "Don't do it" either.

If Obama was willing to spy on Congress in order to ensure that Iran got nuclear weapons and billions to fund terrorism why would he hesitate for a moment to spy on Trump to help Hillary?

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