Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Joe Biden; shill for Chinese mass murderers

We know that Democrat Joe Biden is deeply in debt to China; the tyrants who run China have given Biden's son $1.5 billion dollars in business.

What's surprising is how willing Biden is to publicly carry China's water.

Usually bought politicians work behind the scenes but not Joe.  Near to the 30th anniversary of the Chinese tyrants murdering thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen Square Joe is lecturing us about how we have nothing to worry about due to China's unfair trade practices and theft of American intellectual property.

He talked about American workers being more productive but if China can avoid having to spend vast fortunes on research because they steal the results of America's investment more efficient workers don't matter as much.

Even worse since the standard of living in China is much much worse than in America China can out compete the US even if US workers are more efficient.  The salary for one American is, on average, equal to that of around 5 Chinese workers. Hence unless American workers are 5 times more efficient than Chinese workers China will be able to out compete the US.

Further Joe's comments ignore the predatory nature of Chinese economic policy.  In addition to blatantly stealing technology China's tariffs on incoming American good were 3 times higher than America's tariffs on incoming Chinese goods prior to Trump retaliating.  The Chinese also manipulate their currency as part of their plan to move American jobs to China.

We've know for a long time that the Democrats have stopped caring about American workers, by supporting mass immigration that drives down wages, so Biden's support for China over American workers is not surprising.

While it's true that Joe issued a statement of support for the people who died at Tiananmen Square his actions show that he's really a fan of the monsters who ordered those people killed.

But since the #FakeNews media will cover this up it's important that you point out to your friends how Biden puts China's interests ahead of those of American workers.

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