Saturday, June 15, 2019

Democrats never trust the CIA if it doesn't attack Republicans

Democrat Ben Rhodes admitted to using a propaganda in an attempt to sway American opinion in support of Obama's plan to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons.  He said he created an "echo chamber" where all the experts basically lied to the press.

Now he's saying that we can't trust the US Intelligence Community(IC) to determine if Iran attacked those oil tankers.  Once again Rhodes is showing that he's a shill for the Islamic fanatics who run Iran.

Republican Dave Crenshaw, who lost an eye fighting terrorists, pointed out Rhode's error:

Crenshaw is pointing out that Crenshaw hasn't said that there needed to be an outside investigation because we couldn't trust the IC's assessment of Russian interference in the election.

It's unclear why so many Democrats are so enthused about Iran given that we know that Iran is the largest nation state supporter of international terrorism.

Maybe he just hates America so much that he thinks it's more likely that either the US or one of our allies faked the attack in order to justify action against Iran than the Iranian regime actually following through with one of its many threats against shipping in the region.

In any case this is just one more example of how Democrats believe anything that hurts Republicans no matter how incredulous it is while setting an unachievable high bar for any claim about evil actions by Iran.

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