Saturday, June 29, 2019

Democrats didn't care when illegals were dying on the border when Biden was VP.

During the Obama years Breitbart reported 20 times on illegals dying trying to sneak into the US and the #FakeNews media and the Democrats said nothing; they just didn't care.

Here's a plot of deaths on the border by year:

During Obama's first two years in office, 2009 and 2010, 785 illegals died trying to enter the US.  During Trump's first two years in office, 2017 and 2018, 581 illegals died trying to enter the US.

That's a 25% reduction.

Yet Democrats are condemning Trump for causing illegals to die.  

That argument is absurd since it's the Democrats who are enticing illegals to sneak into the country by offering work permits, free healthcare, and a path to citizenship to anyone who can survive the desert.

The reality is as it always is; Democrat politicians only care about themselves but they're willing to use the suffering of anyone to advance their own agenda.

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