Saturday, June 22, 2019

It's the illegal parents who are tearing families apart not Trump

Democrats are resurrecting their old lies about illegal immigration.

Once illegals request for asylum is denied because they're just coming to America to make more money there is no reason for them to not go home with their kids.

But if any of their kids were born in the US, with the hospital costs probably paid for by US taxpayers, the kid, according to our leftists elites, is a citizen and can stay.  What's interesting about that is that the law doesn't say that and the Supreme Court hasn't ruled that is the case.  All that theft can point to is a comment in a decision on another case by one Supreme Court justice.

Even if however that kid is a US citizen there is no reason that the family can't take her back to whatever country she came from.

Hence if that family is broken up it's because the parents choose to break it up by not taking their kid home with them.

Essentially what Democrats are supporting is the idea that kids can be used as pawns to ensure that illegals can stay in the US and collect welfare for life.  If you doubt that note that illegals collect huge amounts of welfare for their kids who are supposedly US citizens.

The reality is that Democrats want as many illegals as possible because Democrats work hard to ensure that illegals vote because illegals, not surprisingly, vote for Democrats who want to tax Americans to provide freebies to illegals.

If you doubt that note that in California they're currently working to pass a bill that will create a new tax on Americans solely to come up with money to provide free medical care to illegals.

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