Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Fact Checking? We don't need no fact checking. If the story hurts Trump it must be true

A Washington Post writer tweeted a lie about Trump based on his mother.  According to his mother the piece of paper Trump was holding that he said contained part of the agreement with Mexico was blank.

One would think that a professional journalist would have at least checked multiple images of the piece of paper to ensure that his mother's observation was correct.

The fact that Johathan Capehart didn't shows that he, like most WaPo "reporters", is nothing more than a Democrat propagandist.

Other leftists echoed the claim, with one saying that the paper appeared to be blank.

Until someone bothered to actually look into the situation and found that the piece of paper did have text on it:

What this tells us is that the "news" coming out of the WaPo is nothing more than Democrat propaganda.  The "reporters" at that rag don't bother to check on anything that appears to put Trump in a bad light.

That's what propagandists do. They lie often and forcefully and then if they bother to issue a retraction it's far from sincere and is in a less well seen place than their original lie.  That way at least some people will see the lie and notate correction so that the lie will spread.

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