Monday, June 3, 2019

Democrats hate Blacks who don't support white leftists policies; Hillary fake video edition

A Black forklift operator who is a big Trump fan was doxxed by the Daily Beast for having made the fake "Pelosi is drunk" video.

There are a number of troubling aspects to this story including:

1) Facebook helped reveal this guys identity
2) The real story was that the video wasn't the product of the Russians which was the "reporters" real concern
3) Condemning random people to the Internet left wing mob is a bad thing

We all wonder if Facebook would be as accommodating if the offender was a Black man who say did something similar to Trump.  Odds are, based on FB's highly biased censorship, they wouldn't.

The reality is that since the left can't win any arguments with facts, logic, or reason they depend on demonizing and silencing any dissenting voices.

But the fact that they did this to a Black man is just more proof that Leftists are racist to the core. They only respect and support Blacks who agree with the white leftists agenda.  They're more than eager to do anything to crush any Black, Kanye or Candice Owens for example, who dares to think on their own.

This poor guy's life is going to be trashed by the left in hopes that political satire from the right will be silenced.  It's time we started making scum who attack random people because they don't agree with them pay for their actions.

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