Monday, April 1, 2019

Different rules for Democrats; Virginia edition

The Democrat governor of Virginia had a blatantly racist photo in his college year book.

The Democrat Attorney General of Virginia wore blackface in the past.

The Democrat Lt. Governor of Virginia has been accused of sexual assault by two women.

All three are going along as though nothing happened.

Some squishy Republicans are saying that we shouldn't force the first two out of office because racism decades ago isn't that horrible.

They're right that it's horrible but they're wrong that we shouldn't force them out.  The reality is that if we want to maintain a free America we can't have two sets of rules; one for Democrats and one for everyone else.

Don't forget that the Republican majority leader in the Senate had to step down because at a roast he made a joke about how maybe America would have been better off it the man being roasted, who was a racist back then, had been elected President back in the 1940s. That's a lot less racist than wearing black face or a KKK outfit yet the Republican was punished and the Democrats are getting off without any problems.

If Kavanaugh had worn black face decades ago he would have been the subject of 24/7 #FakeNews media assaults.  His wearing blackface would have been wrong but if we let the Democrats force every Republican to be perfect while every Democrat can get away with pretty much anything--Bill Clinton's being accused of rape for example--we'll soon have only Democrats.

Further if Democrats pay no price for their attacks and know that their guys will never be subject to the same sort of attacks they will continue to lie to their hearts contents about Republicans.

But if we make them suffer the same hurt that we suffer when our guys are innocent then perhaps we can get a stabilized situation where they don't act irrationally towards Republicans not because they've developed a conscience but because they're afraid of retaliation.

You know the system is warped when a female Democrat who says that Joe Biden smelled her hair and kissed the back of her neck a couple of minutes after they first met said Biden wasn't really harassing her and was still better for President than Trump.

It's time to make Democrats suffer the same consequences as Republicans. It's the necessary first step to returning to sanity.

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