Sunday, April 14, 2019

Democrat Cory Booker declares war on American's right to defend themselves

With thousands of Blacks being shot each year Black Democrat Cory Booker is making his campaign to disarm Blacks, and all other Americans, so that they can't defend themselves his claim to fame.

In Booker's America an elderly Black grandmother whose apartment is broken into by some drug addicts will be raped and die because he won't allow her to have a gun to defend herself.

Booker's life is spent in safe areas and often with armed guards but what he thinks is wrong with America is that we the people can have guns to defend ourselves.

Had he been living in the 1960s South Blacks would have condemned him because they knew that racist white police wouldn't protect them and that they needed guns to protect themselves.  But even as Booker embraces Black Lives Matter and the lie that cops are out randomly shooting Blacks he's working hard to ensure that Blacks will be defenseless against his mythical predatory cops.

Why are Democrats so afraid of we the people having guns? There are around 300,000,000 guns in America but far more people die from car accidents.  If guns were the problem then places with little or no gun control would be awash with crime and places like Chicago that have very strict gun control would be safe. But we know the exact opposite is true.

That's because guns don't kill people; people kill people. In England where guns are outlawed and people's houses are regularly broken into when they're home the murder rate in London is higher than New York City; they just use knives.

Booker wants to ban guns because he wants us to be defenseless. He wants us to be afraid.  Because people who are afraid are more likely to vote for a Big Government candidate like himself because they're willing to trade freedom for safety.

Gun control is bad for Americans, it doesn't reduce crime, and it doesn't protect people but it's good for Democrats who want to ensure that the people realize who is in charge; Democrat politicians.

In the minds of Democrats they are the rulers who need to run our lives because we're just too stupid to do so ourselves.  We can't be trusted with guns but you can be sure that they will be able to get a gun if they want one.

A recent study of people in prison for gun related crimes found that only 10% got their guns through legal channels which means that at most the strictest gun control will impact 10% of crimes involving guns.  But those gun control laws will restrict the ability of 100% of honest citizens to defend themselves.

Booker and his fellow Democrats want to be our rulers not our representatives.  Disarming us and making us afraid is a key part of their plan to become royalty while making us all serfs.

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