Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Democrats use public schools to campaign

When public schools make projects about Rev. Martin Luther King Jr it's ok because we're remembering only the good things he did, as we do with George Washington, and because he's dead.

On the other hand Democrats are weaponizing the public schools to campaign for living Democrats.

At least one public school has had students color a picture of Democrat Ilhan Omar and then write a report on her.  It's unlikely that reports that talk about her anti-semitism or the fact that she married her brother for several years as part of some scam will get good grades.

Propagandizing for Democrat politicians in public schools is common.  During the Obama years every few weeks we'd hear about this or that public school having their students sing his praises. Now teachers expel students for wearing MAGA hats.

This sort of blatant propaganda is supposed to be kept out of American public schools; it's the sort of thing you see in Third World dictatorships or communist countries.  The schools are supposed to teach kids the facts not indoctrinate them.

But given the inherent dishonesty of many teachers and their unions we're seeing more and more that public schools are not only extolling the virtues of hedonism but they're also brainwashing kids about how wonderful Democrats are.

This needs to be stopped and the people involved should be immediately fired.

Now if a high school teacher wants to discuss Omar and present both the positive and negative about her that's fine but to have kids who are so young that they are given a coloring assignment as homework be subjected to a one sided indoctrination session is not.

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