Friday, April 12, 2019

Google labels a movie they don't like "propaganda"

The movie "Unplanned" is among the left's worst nightmares.  The movie is the true story of a former pro-abortion Planned Parenthood manager, who had had an abortion herself, who upon seeing an unborn baby recoiling from the abortionists knife realized that science is right; the unborn are human beings not blobs of cells.

That's why Twitter removed the movie's Twitter account the day it hit theaters and it's why Google labeled the movie as being "Drama/Propaganda".

Interestingly this time Google said something that reveals how their algorithms can appear to be neutral but still be highly biased.

A Google spokesman inadvertently let the cat out of the bag when he said:

"A Google spokesperson told Fox News that after analyzing web content about “Unplanned,” there was a large volume that called the movie propaganda."

Given that leftists are far more into censorship than conservatives they will be more likely to make derogatory comments about conservative content, like the "Unplanned" than conservatives will about left wing content.  All it takes to create what appears to be an unbiased algorithm which is very biased is for leftists to behave differently on the web than conservatives.

For example if conservatives are less likely to comment about movies than leftists are then an algorithm that uses the number of unfavorable comments will be more likely to censor conservative content than leftist content.  The same is true if conservatives are more likely to use varied phrasing and leftists are more likely to repeat talking points.

Another example is that WaPo and NYT posts tend to be at the top of every political search but both papers are very biased.  What's happening is that Google is looking at the number of times an article is looked at to determine it's value. While that's not a stupid idea all it takes is for more leftists to read WaPo and NYT articles than conservatives read Daily Signal articles to ensure that the Google search results are biased.  If leftists are more likely to go to a few big web sites that could bias every Google search result without the actual algorithm being biased.

The core problem is that Google is effectively crowd sourcing it's assessments.  But in crowdsourcing the loudest voice, not the voice speaking the truth, will always win.  So long as leftists are willing to do the equivalent of shouting louder--using more heated rhetoric and posting more--conservative content will be censored/mislabeled and leftist content will be endorsed.

It's time to declare that the measurable bias of the big tech companies means that we should remove their immunity from libel lawsuits.  Given that those lawsuits wouldn't be about public figures but about regular folks who were called Nazi's etc the tech companies would be much more likely to lose.  

Odds are they'd go back to being neutral platforms rather than hemorrhage money in thousands of lawsuits.

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