Monday, April 29, 2019

Why Democrats bemoan the killing of Muslims, and Jews--sometimes--but rarely Christians

The biggest obstacle to Democrats desire to have complete power over us is not Trump; it's the Christianity.  Now Jews would be a problem too but there aren't enough of them in the US to thwart Democrats attempt to overthrow our democracy.

Christianity says that we are all created equal; that our rights flow not from government but from God.  Which means it puts strict limits on just how tyrannical a government can be.

Further Christianity, or at least the Catholic Church and most Protestants, also reject the sexual hedonism that is the core of the Democrats moral perspective.

That's why Democrats have been waging a war on Christians in America.  Thanks be to God they haven't started killing us yet but they've done all they could get away with.

They've declared that the religion adhered to by 72% of Americans can't be represented in the public square.

They've tried to force Catholic nuns to cooperate in providing abortions.

They've tried to force a Protestant baker to bake for a gay wedding.

They've prevented a Catholic group with a superb record helping trafficked women from operating because they won't refer for abortions.

They've tried to force Doctors to learn how to perform abortions.

The list goes on and on.

The reality is that most of the Democrat politicians and the left wing thought leaders aren't bothered too much when Christians are murdered.  That's why you don't hear about the hundreds of Christians killed in Nigeria every few months but you did hear endlessly about the killing of 50 Muslims in Christchurch.

It's not that it's wrong for the media to tell us about Christchurch because that was a horrible act by a left wing fan of the Chinese communists which should be roundly condemned.  The problem is that the #FakeNews media always make a huge deal about any Muslims being killed so that they can try and paint Christians, and Trump, as monsters.

Essentially Democrats weaponize the deaths of Muslims to attack people they, the Democrats, don't like.

They do the same thing but to a lesser extent when Jews are killed. We know that Democrats are pretty antisemitic given their tolerance of Ilhan Omar but they believe they can hurt Trump by first declaring that he hates Jews, despite his clearly pro-Jewish record, then blaming him for violence against Jews.

But there is no way that Democrats can weaponize the killing of Christians to hurt Trump or Christians so they are generally silent about the world wide wave of terror directed against Christians only uttering an occasional tut tut.

So now you know why Democrats react so differently to the slaughter of Christians, Muslims, and Jews.  All that matters to them is how those monstrously evil acts can help them get more power.

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