Tuesday, April 30, 2019

CNN's Chris Cuomo endorses fascist violence

More and more often the left in America is stopping it's incessant lying and telling what it really believes.

Chris Cuomo has dropped his mask and told the world that the new brown shirts, the new fascists, Antifa have a good cause.

Antifa isn't an anti fascist organization it's a fascist organization that believes it has the right to use violence to silence voices it doesn't like.

What's interesting is that while the left is condemning Trump for supposedly saying white nationalists  are fine people the left is either supporting or staying silent about fascist violence by the left wing Antifa.

While reading what Trump actually said makes it clear that the fine people he was referring to were those Southerners who didn't want statues to Civil War heroes taken down not the Nazi's and racists.  Note that unlike the left Trump also said that there were fine folk who wanted the statues taken down; the left declared that anyone who didn't agree with them were evil.

What Cuomo and people like AOC and Ilhan Omar are doing is telling the American people what the Democrats really support.  Every election cycle Democrats have shamelessly lied--unless they're in safe districts--about what they really stand for.

That's going to be harder in 2020 because while the #FakeNews media is doing their best to hide from America what the Democrats are saying it's starting to leak out.

And Americans whether they be conservative or liberal don't like the idea of brown shirts roaming the streets assaulting anyone who disagrees with them.  But that's precisely what the Democrat leadership and the #FakeNews media are for.

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