Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Democrats want convicted terrorists to be able to vote

Democrats oppose laws which prevent convicted felons from voting because criminals apparently have a natural affinity for the Democrat party since the vast majority of them vote for Democrats.

Historically felons haven't been allowed to vote because murders, thieves, rapists, child molesters, and terrorists have been considered to not have the best interests of society in mind; for example pedophiles voting for a DA who wouldn't enforce age of consent laws.

When questioned at a town hall meeting Bernie Sanders said that rapists and the Boston Bomber should be allowed to vote from their prison cells.

Kamala Harris says we should talk about letting felons in prison vote but that former prisoners should obviously be allowed to vote.  Kamala has since "clarified" her position, ie dramatically changed it.  However we should expect if she were to be elected she'd follow her heart and do whatever gets more  Democrat votes.

Just one more example of how the Democrats are on the side of criminals not honest citizens.  This helps explain why Democrats are simultaneously working to reduce time in prison for criminals and making it harder for we the people to defend ourselves.

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