Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Either AOC hates veterans or she's clueless

Everyone is familiar with the horror stories about how the VA is failing many, but far from all, veterans.

Yet Democrat Ocasio-Cortez is telling us we shouldn't change anything because "if it's not broke don't fix it"

So either she hates veterans and thinks that substandard care is ok or she's so clueless she hasn't heard about the problem.

Of course the real answer is number 3; she doesn't care about veterans, she doesn't care about us, but she wants the government to control our medical care so she has more power.

With Democrats pushing for Medicare for all the last thing they need is the American people realizing we already have Medicare for all veterans and it's not working too well.

If the government can't manage health care for just veterans why would anyone believe that the government can manage the health care of all Americans?

Democrats like AOC don't care if we the people get lousy healthcare, they'll undoubtedly have a better plan for themselves--remember as passed Obamacare wasn't forced on law makers--, they only want more power over we the people.

1 comment:

Phelps said...

Not mutually exclusive.