Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Lies Hollywood told me

If Americans knew the truth there would hardly been any Democrats in Congress.  But because the majority of Americans have been and are being lied to by the #FakeNews media and Hollywood they vote for Democrats.

We're all pretty familiar with the lies told by the #FakeNews media but the subliminal propaganda being pushed by Hollywood in pretty much every show is actually more pernicious.

Hollywood acknowledges their power when they point to how they've managed to change the people's view of smoking.  In the 1960s even after the Surgeon General said that smoking causes cancer smoking was viewed as what the cool people did.

Yet now after decades of Hollywood mostly portraying smoking as uncool and stupid the vast majority of Americans view smoking as a bad thing.

The reality is that when we hear a message day in and day out in all the entertainment we watch we tend to absorb it without really thinking about it.  While it's a good thing that Hollywood has conveyed the truth about smoking the problem is that Hollywood uses that same power to push messages that aren't true; like no one goes to church.

Here's a few of the lies that Hollywood injects into the blood stream of the body politic pretty much every day:

1)No one goes to church:  When's the last time you saw a family, even in a supposedly family friendly show, go to church on Sunday?  Even in the golden age of TV Ricky and Lucy didn't go to church.  The problem is is that we tend to soak in the message that religion isn't that important a thing.  Contrary to what entertainment shows back in the 1960s most Americans took religion pretty seriously and even today many still do.  Yet by never showing that Hollywood is getting us to think that no one really takes God too seriously.

2) Women are into casual sex not love: In entertainment women are all comfortable with having sex after at most a date or two and they consider it a wonderful thing if a man wants to move in with them.  Essentially nearly all women in entertainment are portrayed as what promiscuous men want women to be.  In reality of course women want men who love them and commit to them. But by showing women as sex addicts Hollywood pressures women to accept hedonism and it convinces men that women want to be sluts.

3) Women are the same as men: How many times have you seen some 5 foot tall 98lb woman beat the crud out of more than one 6 foot plus 220lb man?  Now if the man was out of shape and had no training and the woman was a skilled martial artist then sure but instead Hollywood shows those tiny women easily beating up highly trained men.  It's no wonder that so many people are ok with men competing in women's sports; Hollywood has been telling them for decades that women are just as athletic as men.

4) Businessmen are always crooks: It's very rare to see a businessman, or woman, in any bit of entertainment portrayed as the hard working caring person that most of them are.  Instead they're the ones who commit the crimes and exploit others.  It's far more likely for example that a defense contractor will be shown hiring hitmen to kill people that stand in its way than it is for that same contractor to be shown making systems that keep our soldiers safe.

5)Criminals always have a heart of gold: People who make their living by prostituting themselves, stealing, and mugging are often shown to be really caring unselfish people when the chips are down. Compared to how businessmen are treated Hollywood is clearly telling us that criminals are the good side of humanity.

6) People of faith are always hypocrites:  It's rare these days to ever see the true humility and charity that characterizes the lives of people of faith shown by Hollywood.  Instead we see that most people of faith are evil monsters who hide behind their faith.

7) The gay lifestyle is just like the straight lifestyle: Gays die young due to the various diseases their massively promiscuous lifestyle spreads. According to gay friendly researchers, and gays themselves, only 5% of gay relationships last more than 5 years and are monogamous.  Children of gays are exposed to highly sexualized environments.  Yet if you get your perception of gays from Hollywood, which most Americans do since only 2% of Americans are gay according to the CDC, you'd be forgiven for thinking that they are just like straight people.  The reality is that they're just like massively promiscuous heterosexuals not like the vast majority of heterosexuals.

8) There are lots of gays:  When polled the average American thinks that 25% of the population is gay. The truth, according to the CDC, is that 2% of American men are gay and another small percentage is bisexual.  But Hollywood has more gays in its shows than it has Asians.  With multiple gays being in nearly every show it's hardly surprising that Americans think gays are far more prevalent than they really are.

9) It's easy to buy fully automatic weapons: Criminals are shown using military grade fully automatic weapons on a regular basis. In at least one show it was said that they bought their new fully automatic guns at a gun show in Arizona. The problem is that it's currently illegal in the US for anyone to own a fully automatic weapon manufactured after 1986.

10) Every person on trial is innocent:  Ever since the Perry Mason TV show Hollywood has been giving us story after story where there is a ton of evidence pointing to a person being guilty but it turns out that in fact they're innocent.  We've been conditioned to believe that it's more likely that someone who is on trial is innocent when that's not the reality at all. Yet that incorrect belief provides support for all the "go easy on the crook" policies that Democrats support.  It's that mindset that let many people think Jussie Smollett is innocent in spite of the evidence.

There are plenty more examples like this but the point is that by creating a fake reality Hollywood is subliminally propagandizing us into believing in things that aren't true.

For example if people think that gays live a mostly monogamous lifestyle and that they make up 25% of the population then those people are more likely to support redefining marriage than they would be if they realized how few gays there are and how gay marriages are rarely monogamous.

1 comment:

Linda Fox said...

I posted a Facebook link