Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Democrats oppose tax exempt status for churches but support tax exempt status for the SPLC

On and off for decades Democrats have called for revoking the tax exempt status of churches that don't toe the Democrat line on issues like abortion.

The infamous Johnson Amendment says that churches can't engage in political activity including endorsing specific candidates or aiding in fund raising. As per the norm that laws don't apply to Democrats Black churches have raised money for Democrats and endorsed specific candidates and nothing was ever done.

Meanwhile the Southern Poverty Law Center has openly admitted that it doesn't label left wing groups like Antifa hate groups while it does label groups that oppose the redefinition of marriage as hate groups.

The SPLC is admitting that it is a biased political organization that actively campaigns against organizations that don't share it's ideology.

The SPLC's whole mission is demonizing organizations based on their political views not on their actual actions.

Yet the SPLC enjoys tax exempt status.  Republican Senator Tom Cotton has called for the IRS to look into whether or not the SPLC, whose own staff say that the internal environment is sexist and racist, is in fact a charitable organization.

So far the Democrats who have called for revoking the tax exempt status of the Catholic Church have not endorsed Cotton's call for an investigation.

The reality is simple; Democrats will use any tool to silence anyone who disagrees with them as well as doing anything that will increase the power of Democrats.

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