Friday, April 5, 2019

The Reparation algorithm

Democrats are all eager to pay reparations to Blacks for slavery.  That's not surprising since one of the main backers is Al Sharpton who owes millions in back taxes; after all if you don't pay taxes you don't mind if they're raised to pay for reparations.

But the whole reparation concept is very complex and we'll need a very sophisticated algorithm to figure out who pays and who gets paid.

The first question is will all Blacks get reparations or only those with slave blood? After all it seems odd to give Blacks who didn't come to the US until over a hundred years after the Civil War reparations for being slaves.

If only Blacks with slave blood are to be paid how do we decide how much they get?  Does someone with 1 great great great grandparent with slave blood get the same as someone with 32 ancestors who were slaves?  Do Blacks who descend from slaves who were dragged over to America right before the Civil war get less than Blacks who descend from slaves who had been in America at the time of the revolution?

What about Blacks who aren't 100% Black?  How do we prorate their payments?

It would appear that we'll need very precise genealogy data on every Black American to decide what they get paid.

Also are illegals who are Black going to get reparations?

Clearly a great deal of funding will be needed to get academics to develop a fair and equitable algorithm to determine who should get paid reparations and how much they should be paid.

The next question is who should pay?  Clearly we can't tax Blacks with slave blood to pay their own reparations.

But it's equally clear we can't tax whites whose ancestors didn't come over until after slavery ended.

As Democrats say we're a nation of immigrants so taxing those immigrants to provide reparations for actions our country engaged in before they arrived would be unfair; on the plus side it's clear illegals shouldn't be taxed to pay for reparations.

Then should the descendants of soldiers who fought in the Union army or their families be taxed to pay reparations; wouldn't putting their lives on the line, and possibly dying, to end slavery mean that they had already paid their descendants reparations?

Should Abraham Lincoln's descendants be taxed to pay reparations?  After all he ended slavery.

Since slavery predates the founding of the US we face another algorithmic challenge.  Since slavery was legal before the US was founded should we demand that England pay some portion of the reparations?  What about slavery in the French territories?  How much would France owe?

What about the period when the US was in rebellion?  Who should come up with the reparations for that period?

While there is no easy way to decide who should be paid and how much there is a simple algorithm for deciding who should pay.

If we look at history we see that Democrats ran the Southern slavery establishment and that Democrats fought a war to keep slavery legal.  So the best algorithm would just to be to tax all Democrats to pay reparations. That way we don't need to do detailed genealogies on everyone in America.

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