Sunday, April 7, 2019

Democrats force churches to subsidize abortion

In California in 2014 it turns out that abortion provider Planned Parenthood pressured the California government to force religious institutions to subsidize abortions.

Of course since PP makes a ton of money from abortions it's good businesses sense for them to try and force Christians who believe that abortion is murder to provide health care coverage for abortion.

The problem is the government is supposed to protect people's First Amendment right to exercise their religious beliefs.

To see just how bad what the Democrats did a very good analogy would be for them to demand that Jews subsidize the Holocaust.

What the Democrats did is declare that abortion is health care so it must be covered by all insurance policies.  But of course abortion is not needed for health care. Less than 2% of all abortions are required in order to protect the mothers life or because of rape.  But the Democrats declared that all totally optional abortions are health care.  By that criteria plastic surgery is also health care.

The reality is simple; Democrats hate people and view them as the problem in the world, like Thanos in the latest Avengers movie Democrats think the solution of the worlds problems is killing off people.

The fact that PP gives Democrats millions in donations doesn't hurt either.

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