Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Democrat morality; animals before babies

Formerly embattled Virginia Governor Northam is a clear example of what the modern Democrat party is about.

Northam just signed a bill making cruelty to animals a felony, punishable by up to 5 years in prison, right after he declared that it's ok to kill born alive healthy babies.  Human babies that is.

Hence if Northam had his way slowly killing a newly born human baby would be ok but doing the same to a puppy would be a felony.

Democrats have been supporting candidates who are for infanticide since Obama.  In the defense of Democrat voters the #FakeNews media lied extensively about Obama's position so that most voters didn't know what an extremist monster he was when they headed to the polls.

Similarly Northam's support of killing born alive fully independent babies is being hidden by the #FakeNews media.

While the vast majority of Democrats want some limitations on abortion, not the for any reason at any point including during giving birth that is the Democrat party's current position, the Democrat elites are all in for killing babies.

Interestingly there is a strong racist component of the Democrat's elites beliefs.  Whenever Democrats see any racial disparity, less than 12% of CEOs being Black for example, they declare with certainty that the cause must be racism.

But when confronted with the fact that Black women are 3 times as likely to abort as white women Democrats simply ignore the issue.  Why? Because that disparity is due to real Democrat racism which the Democrat leadership doesn't want us to notice.

The Democrat leaders continually extoll the wonderfulness of Planned Parenthood even though PP was founded by a declared racist and around 80% of PP's abortion mills are in minority neighborhoods.  When rich white Democrats say taxpayer dollars should pay for abortion because that's cheaper than paying welfare it's unlikely they're thinking about poor white people.

Similarly the Democrats solution for the problems of the Third World is to kill as many unborn brown babies as possible.  They're constantly pushing for more abortion aid to the Third World.

This racism perhaps explains why Northam is pretty much now off the hook for being openly racist in the past, either wearing blackface or a KKK costume.

Of course Democrats still condemn racism so long as the person they're condemning isn't racist; like Trump.  But they preserve the core Democrat belief that if it's a Democrat who's being racist it's ok.

Remember Democrats praised a Democrat Senator who was a paid recruiter for the KKK.

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