Sunday, April 14, 2019

Democrat poster woman Tlaib says Democrats are Islamophobic

What Tlaib is clearly saying is that Democrats use her and Omar as tokens to push the lie that Democrats care but the reality is that Democrats don't care about what Muslims want.

This puts Democrats in an interesting position.  Unlike most Muslim Americans Omar and Tlaib pretty clearly hate America and want to drastically change the country.

Omar has made it clear that to her when she's being candid the Christchurch shooting of Muslims is a terrible tragedy--which it was--but that 9/11 is "somebody doing something".

While Tlaib and Omar whine on endlessly about Islamaphobia and the horrible suffering that Muslims endure in America most Democrats realize that turning 9/11 into an attack on Christians for not being understanding enough when Muslim radicals murder nearly 3000 innocent people is not the way to win elections.

The war on Christianity is real; Democrats are working hard to silence Christian voices in the public square.  The war on Islam is fiction.  A teacher who says a Christian prayer in a public school will be fired. The same public schools will require students to recite Muslim prayers supposedly to learn about other cultures.

If there was any sort of war on Muslims in America we'd see a lot more killings than we are seeing.  To conflate the acts of a few bigots with America as a whole persecuting Islam is dishonest.  The reality is that after 9/11 all we heard from our "leaders" was how we shouldn't blame Islam even though Islam is waging a world wide war against people of every other faith.

While it's true that we shouldn't blame all Muslims because not all Muslims, especially in America, believe in the violent, sexist, homophobic Islam of Mohammad it's also true that what those terrorists do is in keeping with the bloody history of Islam.

Mohammad made up Islam to get worldly power, wealth, and multiple wives--including a 6 year old girl.  It was spread not by peaceful voluntary conversion, as Christianity was, but by the sword and laws which made non-Muslims second class citizens.

Islam has always been about violence and conquest so to pretend that that isn't the case today is absurd.

While extolling Muslims who reject the bad parts of Islam is a good thing pretending that Islam is a religion of peace does a disservice to all; after all the truth shall set us free.

But why do Democrats so eagerly embrace Muslims?  The obvious answer is that there are so few Muslims in America that they can't hurt Democrats. Sure lots of Muslims support killing gays but that won't happen in the US because there are too few Muslims.

What Democrats love about Muslims is that they can use them to attack Christians.  That's why Obama constantly compared the Crusades--defensive wars waged centuries ago by other countries--with Islamic terrorism waged against America today.  Democrats are creating an environment where people think that pointing out the truth about Islam is evil and that anyone who does so can be labeled a hater and silenced.  Since the people who speak out about the truth of Islam also tend to be conservative on other issues that gives Democrats a way to silence voices that they don't like.

And silencing voices is the only way Democrats can win arguments.

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