Sunday, April 28, 2019

Ilhan Omar is responsible for the Poway shooting

While it's true that Omar isn't in fact responsible for the antiTrump antisemite who shot up a synagogue in San Diego by her own logic she is guilty.

After all she said that Trump was responsible for the death threats against her because he tweeted out a video of her speaking.  If quoting someones own words makes one responsible for how people react to those words then Omar's repeated antisemitism is surely responsible for inciting someone to attack a Jewish synagogue.

Of course the other antisemites on the left who publish vile antisemitic cartoons-- that's you New York Times-- declare that Jesus was Palestinian not Jewish, support Palestinian terrorism while condemning Jews defending themselves, and who call for the destruction of Israel are partners with Omar in inciting violence against Jews.

It's also interesting how the media is covering this shooting.  Lots of concern and interest, which is good, but only because it allows the media to attack Trump.

The difference in coverage between Christchurch and Sri Lanka isn't just because Democrats and the #FakeNews media hate Easter worshipers but also because they can't blame Trump for the mass murder of Christians.

Because the left can't win an actual debate they have to resort to demonizing and silencing their opponents.  In Trump's case they declare he's racist, even though people like Jesse Jackson gave Trump an award, and he hates Jews even though the Jews of Israel don't think he is.

It's time for us to demand that the lying Democrats be held to the same standard that they try and impose on the rest of us.

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