Saturday, October 10, 2020

If you want a President who takes of his mask to cough vote for Joe Biden

While Joe alternates between saying the President can make all Americans wear masks and saying that in fact the President doesn't have that power it's clear that Joe doesn't understand how masks work.

Also note that Biden's mask doesn't cover his nose and therefore doesn't keep him from spreading the China virus.

It's somewhat disconcerting that Joe is so in support of masks but has no idea how to actually use one.


Anonymous said...

still better than Trump who refused to wear and discouraged the wearing of masks for months. One is bad practice with limited impact and the other is actively harmful to the populace. Trump never even wore masks when giving statements...

The choice is clear here.

trinko said...

Ah yes will we ever fully plumb the depths of your ignorance?

Not only Dr Fauci but The Who, the US surgeon general, and the CDC said that mask wearing wasn't important months ago.

So you're attacking Trump for following the advice of the experts while saying that it doesn't concern you that the man you trust to protect us from the China virus thinks he should take his mask off to cough.

Good to know.

Anonymous said...

So masks aren't important? Then why are you mad at biden for not wearing it correctly.

And obviously masks are important. Did you even read your linked source? It says wearing a mask is helpful. No idea what you are on.

Anonymous said...

Oh and if you think Trump changed his tune on masks after the evidence became more clear I will point you to the recent rose garden event where nobody wore masks. Trump could've mandated masks and he didn't.

trinko said...

the point is that Biden says masks are important then takes his off to cough. I was pointing to the obvious fact that either Biden is stupid or he's dishonest.

At the Rose Garden event people were tested prior to entry.

And my source was Fauci saying that Back when you're attacking Trump for not being more pro-mask Fauci was saying that there was no need to wear masks.

Basically you're bothered that Trump doesn't automatically trust the advice of someone who flip flops on an issue

Anonymous said...

> I was pointing to the obvious fact that either Biden is stupid or he's dishonest.

uh or he's not used to wearing at all times forgot? I mean was Trump "stupid" for looking directly at the sun during the solar eclipse? I think by your standard he was.

> At the Rose Garden event people were tested prior to entry.

I'm gonna need a citation. I looked and can't find anything backing that up. Even Mitch McConnell has been avoiding the white house because of their inability to take sufficient precautions.

> Basically you're bothered that Trump doesn't automatically trust the advice of someone who flip flops on an issue

I'm bothered by someone that doesn't follow science. Changing your mind when it comes to science is good.

trinko said...

No but you're stupid if you think that Trump looked directly at the sun during the eclipse when it was dangerous and didn't suffer eye damage. Or are you saying he's superman? :)

You don't follow science. You deny that human life begins at conception and you think a man can become a woman without changing his DNA.

The science about the efficacy of masks is far less established than those two points are.