Monday, October 19, 2020

Massive Western wildfires are due to bad forest management

“Fires have always been part of our ecosystem,” said Mike Rogers, a former Angeles National Forest supervisor and board member of the National Association of Forest Service Retirees. “Forest management is a lot like gardening. You have to keep the forest open and thin.”

But for decades Democrats, starting with Bill Clinton, have listened to radical environmentalists and only contained fires that start rather than conducting controlled to thin out forests to limit the size of fires that do start.

It's clear that "climate change" isn't at fault. According to the government climate change site there has been 0, or at least less than 0.1 degree C change in temperature since 2015. That but we the massive wildfires are a new phenomena so at 0.1degree change wouldn't make a huge change.

What about less rain due to climate change? Well that can't be a factor because in California it never rains in the summer--climate change or no climate change.  Further California recently had a 4 year drought and the wild fires weren't horrible.  Basically wildfire season in California always occurs when things are dry so even if climate change reduced rainfall it wouldn't have any significant impact on fires that start during the dry season.

The reality is that Democrats like Governor Newsom wants to get you to agree to massive tax increases and less freedom in order to fight "climate change" while getting you to ignore his bad policies which are the real cause of the problem.

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