Thursday, October 29, 2020

Most Biden voters aren't evil; only misinformed

 ArchBishop Fulton J. Sheen once said:

“There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be.”

As a Catholic I constantly encounter Protestants who sincerely believe that Catholics believe in things we don't. For example many Protestants think Catholics worship Mary when in reality we know she's a creature like us whose only power is to turn in prayer to her son Jesus.

Frankly most Catholics would instantly leave the Church if the Church taught what Protestants think it does.

The same phenomena applies to Biden voters.  Because the media is constantly lying to them and concealing from them information that hurts Biden I'd estimate that about 80% of Biden's voters aren't actually voting for Joe but against a fake Trump and for a fake Joe.

Here are few things that those Biden voters "know" are true because they've been lied to so much but which aren't in fact true:
  • Trump is a racist
  • Trump has said that white supremacists are "fine people"
  • Trump has tried to cut social security
  • Trump didn't improve the economy
  • Trump's tax cuts only helped the very rich
  • Trump called all illegal aliens animals
  • Trump tried to ban Muslim immigration
  • Trump is responsible for all China virus deaths
  • Trump colluded with Russia
  • Trump demanded that Ukraine investigate Joe Biden's obvious corruption or they wouldn't get weapons
  • Trump doesn't pay taxes
Here are somethings that those Biden voters have never heard about Trump that are true:
  • Trump has brought a huge number of jobs back to America
  • Trump's tax cuts and reductions in regulations caused the economic boom
  • Trump killed an Iranian terrorist mastermind and Iran did nothing significant in retaliation
  • Trump refused to get us in a war with our NATO ally Turkey and contrary to media fears there was no slaughter of Kurds because Trump told Turkey that was a no no
  • Trump was appalled at what happened to George Floyd
  • Trump has repeatedly condemned white supremacists
  • Trump said that peaceful demonstrators both for and against taking down the Civil War statues were fine people
  • Trump has dramatically improved our trade agreements and brought jobs back to America
  • Trump has avoided any new "forever" wars and is winding down the war in Afghanistan
  • Mueller's report showed that Trump didn't collude with Russia
  • Schiff and other Democrat politician lied about having evidence of collusion
Here are some things about Joe Biden that Biden voters don't know about because the media hides them:
  • Joe said that Blacks who don't vote for him aren't Black
  • Joe eulogized a KKK recruiter
  • Joe gets confused and says he's running for Senate
  • Joe gets confused and says that Kamala Harris will be President
  • Joe has repeatedly said that he'll ban fracking and shut down the oil and gas industry
  • Joe agreed with Obama telling the FBI to investigate Flynn after the head of the FBI said Flynn did nothing wrong
  • When Joe was VP the FBI lied to the FISA court and spied on the Trump campaign
  • The one and only corrupt foreign official that Joe personally saw to was fired was the one and only foreign official who was investigating a company that was paying the Biden family millions of dollars
  • The FBI and the DNI say that the Hunter Biden emails aren't Russian disinformation
  • Joe has never actually said that the Hunter emails are fake
  • The Biden family has gotten millions of dollars from the Chinese government
  • Joe's tax plan will repeal the Trump tax cuts which would result in 81% of Americans paying more taxes
  • Joe has said he'll use the full power of the government to force Catholic nuns to help supply people with contraceptives and abortion inducing chemicals
  • Joe supports taxpayers paying for elective, ie non-health or rape related, abortions
  • Joe told us Obamacare was great now he's telling us it needs massive fixes.
  • Joe's moral compass is defined by the Democrat party not the Catholic Church
  • Joe's web site says he favors allowing biological men to compete in women's sports
Here are somethings that Biden voters think are true about Joe but which aren't:
  • Joe never talked to Hunter about Hunter's deals with foreign companies and governments
  • Joe has always been a staunch supporter of Civil Rights and participated in Civil Rights protests
  • Joe won't raise their taxes
  • Joe doesn't plan to ban fracking
  • When Joe was VP no one lost their health insurance due to Obamacare
  • The Hunter Biden emails are nothing more than Russian disinformation
  • Joe's full of energy and able to run the country
  • Joe has no signs of cognitive decline
  • Joe doesn't plan to pack the Supreme Court
  • Joe believes in religious liberty
  • Joe's a good Catholic
  • Joe doesn't support the Green New Deal
All of these are very short lists but they're long enough to prove the point; for someone who lives in the fake world manufactured by the #FakeNews media it makes sense to vote for Joe and against Trump.

The good news is that only about 20% of Americans support the real Joe Biden but the bad news is that close to 30% of Americans will cast their vote for the fake Joe Biden.

We don't have much time but reach out to your mislead friends and just show them how much they've been lied to.

Here's a picture that refutes the whole Trump is racist theme:

Here's a video of Trump condemning white nationalists a number of times:

Here's what Trump really said about illegal aliens being animals; he was only talking about MS-13 gang members:

SHERIFF MIMS: Thank you. There could be an MS-13 member I know about — if they don’t reach a certain threshold, I cannot tell ICE about it.

THE PRESIDENT: We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in — and we’re stopping a lot of them — but we’re taking people out of the country. You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people. These are animals. And we’re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that’s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. It’s crazy.

Here's what the non-partisan CBO predicted the US employment situation would look like if Biden and Obama's economic polices were continued vs what happened due to Trump's policies:

The red line is actual employment numbers.  The dark line is what the CBO predicted in 2016 which would have had to be based on assuming Biden/Obama's policies continued

These are all examples of how the #FakeNews media lies to us.  Hopefully if they see that they've been lied to they will wake up and start thinking about voting for Trump.

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