Friday, October 9, 2020

Democrats blame Trump for actions of man who says Trump is a tyrant

One of the more recent Democrat lies is that the people who were planning on kidnapping and putting on trial would be dictator Gretchen Witmer whose tyrannical edicts have been found to be unlawful by the Michigan Supreme Court were egged on by Trump's rhetoric.

The only problem is the group's ring leader is on video condemning Trump as a tyrant.

Of course what's really odd, if we assume that the #FakeNewsMedia and Democrat politicians are ever honest, is that they were clear that Democrats calling Republicans Nazi's, racists, and bigots had no influence on that guy who almost murdered Republican Congressman Steve Scalise and who tried to murder several other Republican Congressmen.

When that mega fan of Bernie's tried to kill everyone at a pro-traditional marriage group, which the SPLC labeled as a hate group for sharing the same philosophy Obama had until a few years ago, the people who are dumping on Trump now were vociferous in declaring that the SPLC and Bernie's hateful rhetoric weren't responsible.

They were right then but wrong now.  Bernie expressing his hatred of traditional American values was no more responsible for that shooting than Trump's calling out Governor Witmer's fascist policies was responsible for loons trying to kidnap her.

Another odd thing is that the same people who are condemning these "right wing" nuts for planning to kidnap Witmer have been pretty supportive of Antifa and BLM burning down peoples businesses and attacking the police, and anyone who doesn't agree with them.

I guess it's just another example of how Democrats care about their own, an important Governor, and not about the Black family whose business was burned to the ground.

Finally remember how the media covered the fact that the white supremacist who organized the Charlottesville protest endorsed Biden?  Yeah they didn't.

But they will be going on forever about how the fact that the "right wing" loons who think Trump is a tyrant supporting Trump shows that orange man bad.

The reality is that the #FakeNewsMedia and Democrat politicians will attack Trump because people he's condemned support him.

UPDATE: There's now information that another of the conspirators might have expressed support for BLM and attended a BLM protest.  This isn't definitive but it's hardly surprising that the sort of people who object to the government in general would object to the police misusing force.

UPDATE2:  Turns out the Democrat governor of Delaware, who Joe Biden endorsed, pardoned one of the men who allegedly planned to kidnap Democrat Governor Witmer of Michigan.

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