Friday, October 30, 2020

Joe Biden's character is worse than Trump's

The #FakeNews media keeps propping up Joe's image but the reality is he's a much nastier person than Trump is.  Sure  Joe will smile and act all grandfatherly when he lies to you and stabs you in the back but Trump's honesty is actually a sign of a better character.

Joe's got a temper and when he's bothered he gets far nastier than Trump does. When he got in an argument with a pro-gun auto worker Joe not only said he doesn't work for we the people but he asked the worker if he wanted to step outside--ie if he wanted to have a fist fight with Joe.  Trump has never threatened to punch out a voter who didn't agree with him.

In 1987 he was asked how he finished in law school and his first response was to say that he was much smarter than the questioner.

While it's clear that in the past Trump has been an adulterer it's also clear that Joe has a lot of problems with women. 8 women have accused Joe of inappropriate touching and one woman has accused him of sexual assault.  For all Trump's failings his affairs seem to have been consensual.

Joe is willing to tell any lie. He knows that Trump never said white supremacists are "fine people" but Joe keeps telling that lie over and over.

Joe is clearly lying about Hunter's laptop being Russian disinformation since both the FBI and the DNI have said there is no evidence that that's the case.

Joe has shown he's cool with racists. Democrat Senator Robert Byrd formed his own chapter of the KKK but Joe had no trouble eulogizing Byrd at Byrd's funeral.

Joe has sold himself to foreign companies and countries.

The Democrats and Joe want you to believe that it's just a coincidence that the one and only corrupt foreign official that Joe personally ensured was fired in his 8 years as VP was the one and only foreign official who was investigating the Ukraine company that gave Hunter Biden millions of dollars for no discernible reason.

We have known for a long time that the Chinese government gave Hunter Biden $1.5 billion to invest, meaning Hunter would get tens of millions of dollars as commissions, right after Hunter and Joe went to China. 

Further Joe keeps blaming Trump for the China virus even though it was the deliberate actions of the Chinese government to ignore the virus and hope that it went away that led to the global pandemic.  Even worse Joe condemned Trump for the China travel ban and is on record as saying that a strong China is good for the US.

Joe won't say that the Hunter Biden e-mails are fake only that he and Hunter haven't done anything wrong even though the emails show clear evidence of corruption.

One last thing. While people condemned Trump for interrupting in the 1st debate if you read the transcript you'll find that it's Joe who interrupted twice before Trump started interrupting.

Joe is a nasty person who puts his family's wealth ahead of American interests.  If you want to vote character vote for Trump.

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