Friday, October 16, 2020

Legalized abortion pressures women to kill their unborn children

Jesse Jackson was pro-life before the rich white folk who run the DNC made him change his position. 

One of the reasons he was pro-life is that his mother told him that if abortion had been legal when she was carrying him she probably would have aborted him.

The very fact that abortion is legal tends to put societies imprimatur on the idea that killing ones child is ok.  Men love that because when they use a woman rather than love her and she gets pregnant they can tell her that if she doesn't have an abortion all the responsibility for their child is on her.

A young girl was pressured to abort her child, her parents even kicked her out of the house for resisting, and under pressure and seeing so many people encouraging her to kill her unborn child she gave in and aborted her baby.

She now writes:

I remember wishing that abortion wasn’t legal. People say it gives women a choice, but I felt I didn’t have one. Since abortion was available, it was my duty to choose it.

Abortion is a tool of the patriarchy which allows men to use women for sex without having to fear 18 years of child support payments.

It's no accident that the Democrat position on abortion has gone from "safe, legal, and rare" to celebrating women murdering their children as a great thing.

Pro-choice people often claim they're not pro-abortion but by supporting laws which effectively say that abortion is fine they're supporting abortion whether they like it or not.

Real women are pressured into doing what society says is good even though it's obvious to anyone who believes in either God or evolution that a woman going against her basic biological identity as a mother who nourishes her children is going to be damaging herself.

While "feminists" deny the many studies that show the long term psychological suffering of many women who kill their babies we can see, from how women react to miscarriages, that women know that every abortion kills a child.  No real woman can be comfortable with killing her own child; to do so would be a characteristic that evolution, or God, would weed out quickly.

Instead of worshipping death let's celebrate life and condemn the intentional killing of human beings whose only "crime" is being too young to live on their own.


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