Friday, October 16, 2020

Joe Biden says that 8 year olds should be able to decide to take powerful drugs

In the recent ABC town hall meeting Joe Biden said this:

The idea that an 8-year-old child, a 10-year-old child, decides, you know, “I want to be transgender, that’s what I think I’d like to be, it’d make my life a lot easier” — there should be zero discrimination.

Note that Joe didn't say that the kid should work with his parents or a competent psychologist. He said the kid gets to decide.

Remember "treatment" for transgendered kids includes taking very powerful drugs that go against their bodies own nature and even irreversible surgery that will mutilate them for life. We're not just talking about letting little boys play with dolls.

Given that an 8 year old can't get an aspirin from a school nurse without his parents approval Joe is making a pretty bizarre claim; that little children can decide on critical and long term health issues on their own.

This is in keeping with the Democrat's constant push to allow underage girls to get abortions without their parents knowledge--which of course makes life a lot easier for child molesters.

Biden's position is even more odious because most kids who have confusion about their gender when young get over it as they grow up and become comfortable with their biological identity defined by their DNA.

To be clear no amount of surgery or drugs will make a little boy into a little girl. Science unequivocally tells us that our sex is defined not by our feelings but by our DNA.  And there is no currently known way to change a boys DNA into a girls DNA.

Clearly Biden has no idea of what little kids are like nor is he familiar with the research that shows that gender confusion is usually not long lasting. 

1 comment:

trinko said...

Drug that block puberty are powerful.

And attacking my sources rather than the facts shows that you're a fascist at heart.

I note you don't disagree that Biden said that the 8 year old kid can decide if he's really a girl.

I take it you've never been around kids right?