Friday, October 16, 2020

RBG used the phrase sexual preference


This is a great example of how the #FakeNewsMedia and Democrats change language on a dime.

They've now redefined protests to include violence so that they don't have to use the bad word; riot.

Amy Coney Barrett uses the phrase "sexual preference" and the left goes all jihadi on her with a dictionary even changing the entry for the phrase to say that using it is bad.

But RBG, the closest thing Democrats have to a saint other than Bill Clinton, used that very phrase and no one objected.

The problem is of course that the LBGTQ community wants to proclaim both that sexual abnormalities like same sex attraction are genetic and that people can choose to be one of the 55 new genders.

Of course either people's sexual identity is outside their control or it isn't but as usual Democrats want it both ways.

Just as they want to condemn ACB for using the exact same phrase RBG used. 

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