Monday, October 26, 2020

Joe Biden can't do math: "Free college" will cost twice what he said it would

On 60 Minutes Joe Biden said the cost of "free" college for everyone for "only" $150B a year. Turns out he admitted later that the real cost would be twice that.

Keep in mind that lots of Americans don't go to even community college which means plumbers, car mechanics etc will be taxed to ensure that rich white folk can get free classes on gender identity.

Joe's going to bankrupt you with higher taxes to pay off the various groups he's trying to bribe to vote for him. 

But Joe's inability to do math is common for leftists who promise us huge benefits for low costs but somehow when they're in charge never manage to deliver.

Joe told us that Obamacare would cut our medical insurance bills, at least I assume he agreed with Obama, yet insurance premiums actually went up because Obamacare bans cheap limited coverage policies and demanded that every insurance policy be a "Cadillac" plan.

Similarly when saying how much transitioning to "green" energy would cost they never mention the cost of millions of Americans having to replace their furnaces, water heaters, and stoves.

Basically Joe's a used car salesmen who will tell any lie to get you to buy his old junker at a premium price.

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