Thursday, October 29, 2020

Democrat abortion extremism; they're for abortion for any reason at any time

 Democrats have fought against laws that would have prevented abortions based on race, sex, or disability.  That means that Democrat politicians support a woman's "right" to kill her unborn daughter because she wants a boy. It also means that they support killing unborn babies who might be "defective".

In 2012 House Democrat the vast majority of Democrats opposed a law that would have prohibited abortions based on the father's race or the unborn child's sex.

Joe Biden used to oppose using taxpayer dollars to support elective abortions but he's all for taxing you to pay for women's abortions. Given that only 0.3% of abortions are due to a threat to the mother's life and only 0.14% are due to rape it's clear that Joe's all you paying for killing unborn babies who aren't "wanted".

Democrats reject the right of doctors to refuse to do abortions based on their religious beliefs. In 2019 the Democrat controlled House advanced the Medicare for America Act which says “Health care providers and institutions are prohibited from denying covered individuals access to covered benefits and services because of their religious objections.”

Democrats in the Senate voted for infanticide by voting against a bill that would require a baby who survived an abortion attempt and who was alive and well outside her mother's body to get medical care.  Like Democrat Governor Northam of Virginia they believe that if the mother want to kill her born alive and no longer depended daughter she has the right to do so.

Democrat run states like New York are passing laws legalizing abortion for any reason at any point a pregnancy, including while the woman is giving birth.

Long gone are the days that Democrats want abortion to be "safe, legal, and rare". Now they celebrate the slaughter of the unborn which sends around 1,000,000 unborn babies into buckets with other "medical waste" each year.

It's interesting that Democrats also aren't bothered by the fact that Black women abort at 3 times the rate of white women.  The nearly 200,000 extra Black babies aborted each year due to that disparity are a key reason why the leading cause of death for Blacks in America, outnumbering the next 7 causes combined, is abortion.

In New York City more Black babies are aborted than are born alive.

Yet you won't hear any Democrat politician talking about how abortion should stay safe and legal but that we need to address that huge racial disparity.

Remember it's Democrat politicians who tell us that any racial disparity like this has to be due to racism so by their silence Democrat politicians are endorsing racism.

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