Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Where's Hunter Biden?

 Joe Biden hasn't said that the emails found on Hunter Biden's computer are false or fake.

Hunter Biden has disappeared from the face of the earth.  If in fact the whole thing is Russian disinformation, despite the FBI and DNI saying it isn't, why hasn't Hunter surfaces to say so?

If in fact the whole sordid story of Biden corruption and Joe's selling his influence is bogus why isn't Hunter on CNN 24/7 telling us that?

Further if the story is bogus why aren't the #FakeNews media covering it to show people why it's bogus? Why are they instead totally ignoring it?

The answer to all these questions are simple. Joe and Hunter made money by selling out America and they, as well as Democrat politicians and #FakeNews media "reporters",  don't want you to know that.

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