Monday, October 26, 2020

Kanye West condemns Black Genocide

Kanye isn't one of the uncle tom's who say whatever white Democrats want them to say. He's willing to stand up for Blacks and against the rich white, mostly Democrat, people who are all on board with Black women being 3 times as likely to abort their child as white women and with 81% of Planned Parenthood clinics being within walking distance of minority neighborhoods.

Kanye said:

“Let me talk about Planned Parenthood, okay? The last figure I saw is there were 210,000 deaths due to COVID in America, and everywhere you go, you see someone with a mask on. … With abortion culture, there are 1,000 black children aborted a day, daily. We are in genocide,” Kanye West said.

“So more black children have died since February than people have died of COVID, and everyone wears a mask, so it’s a matter of where are turning a blind eye to?” the Jesus Is King crooner asked. “The media can control, a lot of times it has control [over] what we care about.”

In a different interview Kanye said:

“There’s some harsh facts that deal with the black genocide that is abortion,” he stated in an interview with actor Nick Cannon. “It’s happening every day, and right now God has given me the information, and he ain’t gave me no other information other than this information, and we have this right now, so that means he wants me to say this now In 50 years, there’s been 22 million — over 22,500,000 — black people aborted strategically and on purpose. Planned Parenthood was set up and placed in minority communities to kill black people.”

“Abortion is the number one killer of black lives in the United States,”

That Democrats support genocide against Blacks shouldn't be any surprise. Remember that thousands of Blacks are shot year after year in Democrat run cities like Chicago but Democrats don't even talk about it much less doing anything to end it.

Similarly we know that Blacks do horribly in the public school systems in Democrat cities like Chicago, much worse than whites, yet Democrats refuse to give Black kids the same school choice that rich white kids have.

From their founding to today the policies of the Democrat party have hurt Blacks. Chicago has been run by Democrats for nearly 90 years and yet the situation of poor Blacks hasn't improved at all; in fact it's gotten worse.

The only thing Democrats can point to that supposedly shows that they care is welfare but Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a Democrat, warned that as structured welfare would hurt Blacks. When he was proven right Democrat politicians did nothing to fix the problems showing that they didn't care that their program was hurting Blacks.

We see Joe Biden telling us that any Black who doesn't vote for him isn't really Black and Chelsea Handler saying that 50 cent "can't" vote for Trump because 50 cent is Black. No freedom of thought for Blacks; they have to stay on the Democrat intellectual plantation or else.

Democrats say that it's horrible that too many Blacks are in prison. Yet Joe Biden pushed for the bill that caused that while Trump, not Obama/Biden, fixed that.

There is a racist candidate for President; it's Joe Biden who supports genocide against Black people and has never complained about the fact that Black women abort at 3 times the rate of white women.

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