Friday, October 23, 2020

If Joe Biden had been President would an extra 340,000 people have died from COVID19?

 Joe Biden has praised New York's handling of the China virus.

But the truth is that if every other state did as bad as New York did then we'd have 564,160 deaths from the China virus instead of 224k.

While Joe and the #FakeNewsMedia keep saying how well New York under Democrat Governor Cuomo has done the reality is that New York has the second highest per capita death rate of all 50 state, beat out only by Democrat run New Jersey.

In New York, as of 10/22/2020, 172 out of very 100,000 residents has died from what Cuomo calls the "European" virus.

In evil Republican run Florida which is being constantly condemned by the press only 75 out of every 100,000 people have died from the China virus.

Which means your chance of dying from COVID19 are around 2.5 time higher in Democrat run New York than in Republican run Florida.

Since Joe held up New York as an exemplar we can assume that he would have mandated on the whole country the policies, like forcing nursing homes to take patients with the China virus, that worked so well in New York.

But if we apply the death rate that Cuomo produced in New York to the whole country the death total would be higher by 340,000 or roughly a factor of 1.5.

While it's true that there are sorts of reasons that even if someone as incompetent as Cuomo had been in charge of a state which doesn't have a huge urban area, like say South Dakota, he couldn't have killed as many people as he did in New York but the comparison does show that Joe has no basis for claiming that if he'd been in charge things would have been better.

Oh and other than the folks who died in the nursing homes due to Cuomo I don't blame Cuomo for the fact that the Chinese bungled their handling of the virus and caused a pandemic. But Joe is acting as though Trump is god and can snap his fingers and eradicate viruses.

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