Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Democrat Governors use China Virus lockdown to discriminate against people of faith

 In Oregon State Democrat Governor Kate Brown has said that public schools with fewer than 75 students can reopen but she ordered private schools with fewer students to close.

What makes this even more egregious is that same Governor hasn't stopped the on-going rioting where masks and social distancing are totally ignored.  Apparently rioting is ok but God isn't in Democrat run Oregon.

Oh and then there's New York where the governor and the Mayor New York City extol riots and massive demonstrations but send the cops into Jewish homes if they think too many Jews are coming together.

In California the rules for churches and restaurants aren't the same with restaurants having more freedom.

In Nevada casinos are open and crowded but churches are closed or limited. And the Supreme Court said that was ok.

It's clear that Democrats are waging a war on your religious liberty. 

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